@article{oai:ic.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000363, author = {OUGIZAWA, Michiko and KAWABATA, Hiroko and NAGASAKI, Shoko and ISHIKAWA, Atsuko and ITO, Taiga and ABE, Eiko and SATSUMOTO, Yayoi and 扇澤, 美千子 and 川端, 博子 and 長﨑, 翔子 and 石川, 敦子 and 伊藤, 大河 and 阿部, 栄子 and 薩本, 弥生}, journal = {茨城キリスト教大学紀要, Journal of Ibaraki Christian University}, month = {}, note = {In this study,we conducted an educational program that focused on the following two points in order to propose classes in public junior high schools that dealt with Kimono. ① Propose class contents feasible for public junior high school teachers to conduct. This educational program consisted of 3classroom periods,and was carried out in the usual classroom environment and style as much as possible.When in shortage of the Yukata,we used rental Yukatas,and students learnt how to wear the Yukata through pair learning. Because students in the first year of junior high school were the targets,we aimed to encourage pleasure and elation and not an evaluation on wearing skills. ② Propose class contents that are not limited to wearing the Yukata but encourage appreciation for Kimono. In order to promote“understanding”and to provoke“interest and concern”towards the Kimono culture as a whole,we focused on the rites of passage performed at the turning points of our lives and Kimonos worn at such moments,stressing on the“knowledge about the types,colors,patterns,purpose and significance of such Kimonos”. In addition,we studied the possibility to utilize ICT for broadcast class that allowed students to interact with specialists while being in the classroom and deepen their understanding on the Kimono.}, pages = {23--36}, title = {きものの良さを味わう教育プログラムの提案─通過儀礼に着目した公立中学校での授業実践報告─}, volume = {49}, year = {2015}, yomi = {オウギサワ, ミチコ and カワバタ, ヒロコ and ナガサキ, ショウコ and イシカワ, アツコ and イトウ, タイガ and アベ, エイコ and サツモト, ヤヨイ} }