@article{oai:ic.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000809, author = {大山, 康彦 and 天野, 秀哉 and 椿本, 昇三 and 齋藤, まゆみ and Yasuhiko, Ohyama and Hideya, Amano and Shozo, Tsubakimoto and Mayumi, Saito}, journal = {茨城キリスト教大学紀要. II, 社会・自然科学, JoJournal of Ibaraki Christian University. II, Social and natural sciences}, month = {Jan}, note = {In physical education classes 10 minute swimming tests for students aim at measurement of swimming endurance ability, but this study focuses on the students' expressions and experiential descriptions of that test. We called these expressions "sensibility terms" and collected and analyzed them by IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys. Data from 573 students of the primary education department over the past 7 years were analyzed.The results are summarized as follows:1.Analysis of the terms used in descriptions of the experience showed many descriptions of the act target, and are captured by consciousness of reflection.There were common tendencies with no difference between male and female students. There was no detectable description of complexity hiding behind words in the dimension of tacit knowledge.2.The swimming test was given twice, and the volume of negative expressions used for the 2nd measurement was less than the 1st measurement, with no difference between male and female. In other words, positive terms of expression were used, and transformed. 3.After lengthy consideration it was clear that students were expressing their somatic experience in fairly general and simple terms. But, no dynamic sense of how the student self occurred, nor terms that showed understanding of their physical ability., 7, KJ00007570670}, pages = {261--273}, title = {大学生の持続泳における感性用語のテキストマイニング分析~動感身体知の形態発生に関わる様相について~}, volume = {45}, year = {2011}, yomi = {オオヤマ, ヤスヒコ and アマノ, ヒデヤ and ツバキモト, ショウゾウ and サイトウ, マユミ} }